Tarih: Date -
Narrating the story of the first five years of studio education of TEDU Department of City and Regional Planning through 20 basic concepts and selected student works, CITYBOOK: 2017-2022, written and designed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ela Ataç Kavurmacı and Dr. Zeynep Eraydın, faculty members at TEDU Department of City and Regional Planning was published with a foreword by Prof. Dr. Baykan Günay.
TED University
Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No:48 06420,
Kolej Çankaya Ankara - Turkey
KEP Address: tedu@hs02.kep.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 585 0000
Fax: +90 (312) 418 4148